CREATE & DONATE Ideas 4 Seniors

What better way is there for a senior to feel productive, than to create something special, and donate it to someone in need? This is a Win-Win situation! It not only helps a person in need, but gives a senior with time on their hands a chance to give back to their community, and feel needed.

I’ve learned that people love to help others, they just don’t know where to start. Below you will find a list of Create & Donate ideas, as well as a list of national organizations that would love your donations!

The first thing to consider, is what the senior is interested in. Do they already have a skill, or two, they could use to create something useful? Do they have a special charity, or group of people, they would like to focus on? Once you can figure out what pulls their heart-strings, it will be easy to find special projects to Create & Donate. The only limits are your imagination, and the determination to Create & Donate!

Here are some ideas of organizations to research in your local area that may be interested in your Create & Donate projects:

*A local Nursing Home

*A local Animal Shelter/Pound

*A Home-Bound Senior in your neighborhood

*Meals on Wheels is a great resource for needy home-bound seniors in your community

*A local Homeless Shelter

*A local organization that does out-reach to the homeless in your community

*A local Hospital or Health Care Facilities

*A local Unwed Mother’s Organization

Create & Donate Ideas:

  1. Are you a knitter? Blankets, scarves, hats, and gloves are always needed items. (See The Turban Project below for knitting projects)
  2. Do you sew? Medical supplies like face masks, gowns, head-wear for chemo patients, Lap blankets for seniors, blankets for new-born babies,  blankets for the homeless, pet beds, clothes and toys for animals are all amazing projects.
  3. Fabric Stoma (Colostomy) Bag covers  – Make a variety of colors and donate them to a local Home Health Agency, Wound Clinic, Ostomy Out-patient Clinic, Nursing Home or Homeless Shelter.
  4. NO-Sew projects make blankets by cutting and tying the edges.
  5. Do you like to work with paper. You may need a steady hand working with scissors. Homemade stationary,
  6. Is gardening your thing? Here’s a great link that will take you to to another website with some great ideas: 10 Ideas for Gardening Volunteer Projects
  7. Do you enjoy canning? A great way to help the homeless, and home-bound seniors is by donating freshly canned fruits and vegetables. I love the idea of using fruit from a home-bound senior’s own tree, which they can no longer tend to themselves, and canning it for them to use later. They may even be willing to let you donate some of the canned creations to some other local home-bound seniors or a local homeless shelter! Use fruit and veggies from your garden, or a local farmers market to cook and jar/can fruits & veggies, make homemade jams, pickles, etc. and then donate.

LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT TAKE HOMEMADE DONATIONS: (to go to their website, just click on their name)

Knitted Knockers – Now this is a unique opportunity for Knitters. Make soft, comfortable, knit prosthetics for breast cancer survivors. The pattern is provided.

Knots of Love – Started in 2007 with the mission of making and distributing Crocheted Chem Caps, at no charge, to those in need of some loving warth.

Project Linus – This is a nationwide nonprofit that collects homemadeblankets for children and distributes them to hospitals, shelters and aid organizations.

Snuggles Project – This project was created to make blankets for animals in Animal Shelters around the world. They have a calming effect on frighted and/or difficult to handle animals. This gives the caregiver time to gain the animals trust and assess their needs. Crochet, Knit, No-Sew, Sew and Toy patterns available.

The Binky Patrol – What started as an idea to make blankets for unwed mothers in Laguna Beach, CA turned into a really cool nationwide organization with over 160 chapters. They take donations of Sewn, Quilted, Crocheted, Knitted and Fleece blankets.

The Turban Project “Bringing a Little Spark of Cheer One Head at a Time” This is a ministry started by the women of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly #0830, but has grown to include volunteers from all religions, ages, and walks of life. Check out their website for patterns and ways to Create & Donate unique head wear for patients who have lost their hair due to medical reasons.

Warm Up America Foundation – This non-profit was founded in 1992 and is committed to motivating, training and coordinating volunteers to knit and crochet afghans and clothing for people in need.

Now let’s Create & Donate!

Keepsake Crafter