Party Planning Checklist

All of the hard work is done before any event. Planning ahead is the best way to ensure a successful, stress free event.

Keepsake Crafter Tip: As your event day approaches you may have to start eliminating pre-planned Event Day Activities from your list, because time is running out and you only have so much time to prepare. It’s OK, eliminate the least important, or most time-consuming activity and go from there. No one will know the difference but you!

Keepsake Crafter Tip: You may also find that some Event Day Activities you spent the most time preparing for get the least participation by your guests, or they just don’t go as planned. Rest assured this happens to the best Event Planners in the business. Things happen that are out of your control. Party fowl is inevitable. You just have to Roll With It! If something doesn’t seem to be clicking with your guests, stay positive, move on and keep the party going!

Keepsake Crafter Tip: And on that note….always have a back-up Activity or two planned. Just in case an Activity plays out a lot faster than you planned, or one just doesn’t seem to be vibing with the crowd. Don’t be afraid to cut the Activity short and go to your next Activity.

Below is a complete Party Planning Checklist that you can use for any upcoming event so you are well prepared. The good news is that it’s ready to print and use!

To get a full-sized 8 1/2″ x 11″ print of the image below hover your cursor over the image, right Click and a pop up box will appear. Select “Save Image As” and save the image to your computer. Find the picture you saved and print, making sure the Orientation is on Portrait (not Landscape).

I hope this planner will help ease the stress of planning your party, so you can enjoy your special day!

Keepsake Crafter