Here is another favorite succulent in my garden, Sempervivums! This plant is frost-resistant because they are native to colder regions like Europe. They are so easy to grow and the colors are beautiful. This plant propagates by producing multiple babies each year that shoot out away from the mother plant on a long stem. There will be several babies from each mother plant.
In this propagation I took the Sempervivums that I had placed as babies into one of my rectangular plastic containers:

You can see the babies shooting off and replanting themselves into the soil
This picture is 4 months later
And here they are a year and a half later! Crazy how fast time flies by. Look how beautiful the purple-colored tips are:

This is how easy they are to propagate, a little time and patience and look you have 13 new plants! Let’s replant these Sempervivums!
I replanted these individually into some peat pots I bought at Home Depot (my favorite store). I really don’t like using the peat pots as much as other containers, but they worked great for this round. I like using propagation pots that I can use over and over again, and peat pots don’t work well for that. They are better used as vegetable or flower seed-starter pots that will be planted directly into the ground.

One at a time I gently dug my fingers in the dirt around the plant and slowly pulled the plant out. The roots don’t grow really deep with this plant so it’s easy to grab them and pull them out. The roots are not intertangled with the other plants roots.

Before replanting I pull off the dead leaves around the bottom of the plant.

Trim off the stem, and place into peat pot

Here is this propagation 3 months later. The tiny babies in the rectangular peat pots have grown quite a bit and are looking strong and happy
And here is this propagation 10 months later. Look at all of the new babies that were born!!

Notice the root system on these hanging babies

If you made it this far, you know why these are one of my favorite succulents. They are special!
Best of luck on your succulent journey!
Keepsake Crafter